During the 2020 lock down, we were asked by Mrs Xenia to try a challenge: 4 hours without any screens. Here are my thoughts.  

This experiment was supposed to make us get bored and prove to us how addicted we are on our phones and on screens. Mrs. Xenia gave us this assignment and insisted until everyone in my class did it. She suggested passing some time without any screens, without our phones, music or Netflix.

I did this challenge on a Tuesday night from 12 until 6. I did it at night because it was more silent and calmer so I could have the opportunity to concentrate on my thoughts or just relax, since our lives are moving so fast that we don’t have the time to relax and observe.

So I went outside, in the garden, sat on the sofa and grabbed the book I was reading at the time. The book is called ‘living, loving and learning’, the author is Leo Bouskalia. It’s a book about life, it actually made me think because it talks about our values and our beliefs and what should really matter in life. It talks how we need to teach children the real values of life, love, friendship, selflessness, kindness. I also started and finished that very night another book, a book  from Paulo Coehlo, ‘Manuscripts found in Accra’. It talks about loyalty, friends, enemies, fear and love. It made me reconsider some things and made me see life with another perspective. Thanks to these books I made a list with the things that I want to do before turning 30. This list includes volunteering, helping people as well managing to find my inner peace.

Moreover, that night I had the opportunity to observe the miracle that is called sky and stars and universe. I marked a glowing star at the beginning of the night and until I went back inside again, it had moved, and it really helped me realize that the earth is moving:)) .

All in all, I love that night since it was something that we don’t do really often.


While I am doing this website, in the us a chaos prevails. After the death of George Floyd people got out in the streets, protesting against the systematic racism that exists in the country. They are out protesting for equality, for equal opportunities between black and whites, for justice. Still, after a week of protests, their voices have not been heard by the government. On the other hand, Trump gave orders to the us army to get into the streets until calmness comes back. Most of the protests are peaceful, with people following the law and respecting the men in uniform. Policemen all around the states have joined the protests and join their forces in order to help the people be heard. Pictures, of policemen hugging protestors, of policemen joining the ‘fight’ are all around the internet. Unfortunately, in some cases people got out of control, damaging small business, being disrespectful to the army as well as hurting innocent people. These behaviors exist from both sides: protestors as well as policemen and men in power. Innocent people are arrested or hit by the police forces. People are being killed. Anarchy prevails and people are now fighting to destroy the government. This must end. Peaceful protests should not stop, people who damage business and hit people should get arrested, something needs to be done to put people under control. The president, trump needs to listen to the demands and not hide behind his finger. If he does so and they continue damaging then us army and police is the solution.
people need to organize  PEACEFUL protests, like Martin Luther king did. Concluding, people can’t be disrespectful to army men and policemen for doing their jobs and policemen and army men can’t arrest/hit innocent people